Want to join?

Would you like to join the Windhowlers? If you do please contact charm or post on the WQ forums. Please fill out this form:


Name: (Game Name)
Age: (game)
Current packs:
Old packs:
History: (if any)
Rank wanted:

~What The Ranks Mean~

Alpha Male/Female: The most dominant of the pack. They have worked hard to get this rank.
Beta Male/Female: Second in command, Betas become Alpha Male/Female if one of them step down, also be the Alphas if Alphas are away.
Delta Male/Female: If betas step down, deltas become the betas.
Lead Fighter/Fighter: Lead fighters lead the Fighters when fighting. Fighters attack bears and coyotes etc.
Lead Hunter/Hunter: Lead Hunters lead the Hunters while on a hunt, Lead Hunters howl when ready to attack. Hunters attack elk/hares with the Lead Hunter.
Lead Guardian/ Guardian: Guardians greet other wolves who come into our territory, thus chasing away other wolves if not wanted.
Pup Protector: The wolves that protect and look after the pups while the rest of the pack are out.
Pup: The youngest and the most energetic of the pack.
Elder: The most oldest and slowest of the pack, content to rest.
Omega: Omegas are basically a wolf who has been punished, and have his/her rank taken away for a certain time. Past time, they get their rank back.